Rabu, 10 Februari 2010


Fun Page

There are houses
Made of wood,
And houses made of sticks;
There are houses
Made of mud,
And houses made of bricks.
Pic. 3.5 (Dit. PSMP, 2006)

There are houses
In the east,
There are houses all around me –

And houses in the west;
But my house is the best.

Pic. 3.6 (Dit.PSMP, 2006))


Practice reading with a friend the following short dialogues.
Dialogue 1
Diana : Don’t you think that insects cause more problems to us?
Andre : No. Not all insects cause problems. Many are useful.
Diana : How can you say that, Andre?
Andre : Bees for example give us honey. Remember Diana?
Diana : You are right, Andre.
Dialogue 2
Sari : I believe Jakarta is hotter than Pontianak
Firdaus : No, that’s surely wrong, Sari. Pontianak is closer to the equator.
Sari : You are right, Firdaus. And I am sure Pontianak is more humid, too.
Firdaus : I’m sorry, but I have to disagree on your last point.
Dialogue 3
Dadang : Can you recommend any interesting places in North Sumatra, please?
Ucok : Sure. Lake Toba is certainly one good place to visit you should not miss.
Dadang : How can I get there from Medan?
Ucok : Well, you can take a bus. It’s about 4 hours.
Dadang : Really? What does it offer?
Ucok : Well, you can go fishing, rowing or swimming. Besides, the scenery is so wonderful.
Dadang : Thanks for your advice. I’ll think it over.

Work with a partner. Fill in the blank in each of the following dialogues with the correct expression. After that, answer the questions.
Dialogue 1
Dana : Mt. Semeru is higher than Mt. Merapi I …….. .
Budi :I ………, Dana. But, Mt. Merapi is more active than Mt. Semeru .
Dana :I ………, Budi. Moreover, Mt. Merapi looks more attractive to see.
Budi : I don’t deny it, Dana. …………… .
Now, answer the following questions:
1. What are Dana and Budi talking about?
2. What is Dana’s opinion about Mt. Merapi?
3. Does Budi have the same opinion as Dana’s about Mt. Merapi?
4. What is Budi’s opinion about Mt. Semeru?
5. Does Dana agree with Budi?
Dialogue 2
Mika : I ………….. exercises in Book II
Mika : I ………….. exercises in Book II are easier than those in Book I.
Fredi : I …………….... That’s only for earlier units; the later units need more thinking.
Mika : No, …………… Dina. Later units of Book II are also still easy if you really try. Just try it.
Fredi : Oh really, Mika? Let me try it, then. Thanks.
1. What are Mika and Fredi talking about?
2. What does Fredi think about Book II?
3. Does Mika have the same opinion as Fredi?
4. Does Fredi agree with Mika finally?

Dadang : Really? What does it offer?

pidato bahasa inggris

English Speech from Seniors of MTs Kasyful ‘Amal to the Juniors

(Pidato dari kakak kelas untuk adik kelas)

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
The excellency chief of Islamic Education Institution of Al-Falah Sidorejo, Pamotan. The excellency invited guests. The honourable head master of MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo, the respectable teachers and staffs of MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo. The respectable parents of MI Manbaul Falah’s pupils. Then, my beloved friends and juniors.
Glory be to Allah, the God who has united us in this occasion. May peace be always on our leader, the noblest human being, prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his family and companions.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In this occasion, I represent my friends to say some words. First, I’d like to say many thanks to Islamic Education Foundation of Al-Falah Sidorejo, Pamotan that has given us amount of help and motivation therefore we can finish our study in MI Manbaul Falah. Then, I also would like to say thanks to our teachers who have taught us much valuable knowledge. We realize that we will never be able to repay their kindness and services. Second, I’d like to apologize for our mistakes and naughtiness during we study here. For our juniors, don’t forget to study hard and obey your teachers. I think I shouldn’t have to talk too much here. Hopefully our beloved school, MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo Pamotan become better and better time by time, and hopefully there will be more many students who study hear. Amin…
Finally, thank you for your attention. May peace and success be always on us.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Yang terhormat, Ketua Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Al-falah sidorejo, Pamotan. Yang terhormat Bapak kepala MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo. Yang terhormat Bapak/guru dan Karyawan MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo. Bapak/Ibu wali murid yang saya hormati, serta teman-teman dan adik-adik kelas yang saya sayangi.
Pertama-tama marilah kita memanjatkan puji syukur kepada Allah SWT, yang telah mempertemukan kita dalam acara ini. Kedua kalinya, sholawat serta salam marilah selalu kita haturkan kepada junjungan kita, nabi Muhammad SAW beserta seluruh keluarga dan sahabatnya.
Para hadirin sekalian,
Pada kesempatan ini, saya mewakili teman-teman saya untuk meyampaikan beberapa patah kata. Pertama, saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Yayasan Manbaul falah Sidorejo yang telah memberikan banyak sekali bantuan dan dukungan, sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan belajar kami di MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo. Kemudian, kami juga ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Bapak/Ibu guru yang telah mengajarkan banyak ilmu yang sangat berharga kepada kami. Kami sadar kami tidak akan pernah bisa membalas semua kebaikan dan jasa-jasa beliau. Kedua kalinya, kami mohon maaf atas semua kesalahan dan kenakalan yang telah kami lakukan selama belajar di sini. Untuk adik-adik kelas, jangan lupa belajar yang giat dan patuhi Bapak/Ibu guru kalian. Saya rasa saya tidak perlu berbicara panjang lebar di sini. Kami senantiasa berdo’a semoga MI Manbaul Falah tercinta semakin baik dan muridnya semakin banyak. Terimaksih atas perhatiannya, dan semoga sukses selalu.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

English Speech from Juniors of MI Manbaul Falah to the Seniors
(Pidato dari adik kelas untuk kakak kelas)

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
The excellency chief of Islamic Education Insitution of Al-Falah Sidorejo, Pamotan. The excellency invited guests. The honourable head master of MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo, the respectable teachers and staffs of MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo. The respectable parents of MI Manbaul Falah’s pupils. Then, my beloved friends and seniors.
Firstly, lets thank and pray on to Allah who has been giving us some mercies and blessing so we can attend and gather in this occasion. Secondly, may peace and salutation be with our prophet Muhammad SAW.
Ladies and Jentlemen,
Standing in front of you all, I represent my friends to say many thanks to our seniors for their prayer and massages. We will try to do your massages, seniors. Six years have passed. Now, its time for you to leave us, to leave our beloved school, MI Manbaul Falah. We were happy to study with you here. We hope the knowledge that you have gotten from here will be useful for you and you can realize your ideals. Then, we ask for your apologizing if we have many mistakes.
That’s all what I want to say, and the last I say,
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Yang terhormat, Ketua Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Al-falah sidorejo, Pamotan. Yang terhormat Bapak kepala MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo. Yang terhormat Bapak/guru dan Karyawan MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo. Bapak/Ibu wali murid yang saya hormati, serta teman-teman dan kakak-kakak kelas yang saya sayangi.
Pertama-tama marilah kita memanjatkan puji syukur kepada Allah SWT, yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayahNya kepada kita, sehingga kita dapat hadir dan berkumpul dalam acara ini. Kedua kalinya, sholawat serta salam marilah selalu kita haturkan kepada junjungan kita, nabi Muhammad SAW beserta seluruh keluarga dan sahabatnya.
Para hadirin sekalian,
Saya di sini mewakili teman-teman saya mengucapkan terimaksih atas do’a dan pesan dari kakak kelas kami. Kami akan berusaha melaksanakan semua pesan-pesanmu, Kakak kelas. Enam tahun telah berlalu, dan sekarang tibalah saatnya engkau meninggalkan kami, meninggalkan sekolah kita tercinta, MI Manbaul Falah Sidorejo.
Kami senang bisa belajar dengan kakak di sini. Semoga ilmu yang telah kakak dapatkan di sini akan bermanfaat dan semoga kakak bisa mewujudkan cita-cita kakak. Amin...
Kami minta maaf apabila selama ini, kami telah berbuat salah kepada kakak.
Saya rasa hanya itu yang bisa saya sampaikan. Akhir kata,
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010